Hello and welcome

My intention to start a blog (again) has finally amounted to me publishing something - hurray! This (hopefully) will be a place for me to finally communicate the inner workings of my mind which is geared towards living sustainably, growing my own food, cooking and generally navigating life in a way that is good for the world and good for me.
I am obsessed with thinking about climate change and what I can do to better my life so I am contributing to it less...and eventually have my life leaving a positive footprint to help heal climate change rather than just avoiding the negative. I navigate these thoughts in the silence of my own head and I realise that I'm not helping anyone unless I communicate these thoughts to the wider world and so we have ended up here at this blog. 
Let's see where the world of over-saturated voices and over communication via social media takes me! Who knows if anyone will bother to read these posts. I know I get bored very quickly, even on the blogs I love most so I'm not expecting anything huge from my own attempt but if I change a few lives because of this adventure then I will have fulfilled my intention. 

If anyone would like me to write on anything specific that I have some thoughts on I would love for you to leave a comment or question or direct message me if you'd rather stay anonymous.

Love, Liza

P.S The blog address and title have been taken from one of my favourite books 'The New Complete Guide of Self Sufficiency, for realists and dreamers' by John Seymour - with a review on this book to come soon. 


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